Cold Pressed Juices, Your Solution to Health
Cold pressed juices are a boon for today's lifestyle. With busy and hectic schedules, polluted surroundings and stressful lives, these juices definitely help to restore the nutrition and carbohydrates in our body. A cold press juice boost energy in the body, fight with pollution and other toxins, build stamina in the body, make hair strong and skin glowing, provides mental clarity and enhances better sleep. You can get all these benefits, at one place, that too in the flavour of your choice. Not only they're healthy but they are also yummy and delicious!
You may have seen yummy juice bars in your neighbourhood. You may have also been aware of the shelves in your local markets. Yes, juice fever seems to be flowed in the nation, and we couldn’t be more happier! If you haven’t tasted the cold pressed juice, now’s the time!
Cold pressed juices are very refreshing and are filled with essential vitamins and nutrients. For busy people everywhere, cold pressed juice can be an ultimate option to your health. Drinking a cold pressed juice is a healthy and easiest way to make sure you are getting enough fruits and vegetables in your diet. Adding cold pressed juice to your diet is best way to improve your health and ensure you’re getting loads of beneficial nutrients everyday.
We all know the delicious taste of a freshly squeezed orange juice. But what’s cold pressed juice? How that is different from squeezed one? Cold pressed juice is made very differently as compared to freshly squeezed juice. Their methods of extraction are what make them unique from each other.
Cold pressed juice is made with a unique juicer that uses a hydraulic press to juice the fruits and veggies. This kind of juicer isn’t the one you’d find in your kitchen. Fresh squeezed juice is made with a normal juicer that uses a fast spinning blade to extract the juice from fruits and veggies. Because the metal blades of the normal juicer spin so quickly, they generate heat. This heat ends up breaking down the useful enzymes in the fruits and vegetables. The rapid spinning also lets air mix into juice, oxidizing the juice, which further breaks down its nutrients and vitamins. This freshly squeezed juice that is refreshing and tasty is not nearly as nutritional as compared to cold pressed juice.
Cold pressed juice protects and preserves the nutrients of the fruits and vegetables. Since the cold press juicer presses the produce to extract the juice, no heat is involved in the process. That means you will get all the healthy nutrients from the fruits and veggies. We will get 100% vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and nutrients when we drink cold pressed juices. At Rus Organic, we are purely cold pressed juice company.
The benefits of cold pressed juice are limitless. Whether you are a hard-core fitness freak, diehard vegan, carnivore, or chill couch potato, you can drink cold pressed juices to improve your overall health. Drinking cold pressed juices helps your body in detoxification. Every day we are subject to environmental toxins like smog, smoke, pollutions and even welcome toxins like junk food and alcohol inside our body regularly. Our body’s organs are sometimes exhausted from keeping us stay on top of the detoxification process. The three main organs that are responsible for detoxing are the liver, kidneys, and skin. When these organs have to work in proper manner every day, they become stressed. Cold-pressed juice can help ease the strain of your body organs. They’re full of nutrients that are geared towards fighting toxins and boosting your immunity and overall health.
Cold pressed juice is so good because it lacks the fibrous pulp of the whole fruits and vegetables. Since the body doesn’t have to break the fibers down in the digestive system before being able to be used, cold pressed juice is like a lightning bolt to the system. The nutrients immediately enter the body and start getting to work. That’s why when you take a sip of cold pressed juice, you immediately feel a kick of energy. Try this energy with Rus Organic's Cold-pressed Juices.